Gage Skidmore [ CC BY-SA 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons Previously: The Art of Loving - A Ramble on Chapters 1–2.1 This post will be rather more disjointed than my first one, as these sections left me with more questions than conclusions. Bear with me! As for the picture - especially in this part, I was having flashbacks to 12 Rules for Life , and anyone who found value in that book should probably read this one (and vice-versa). Chapter 2.2, "Love Between a Parent and a Child" The big theme of this part was Fromm's definition of fatherly and motherly love. He describes motherly love as unconditional, forgiving, and organic to the mother-child relationship - C. S. Lewis's "Gift-Love," in other words, with no limit. Motherly love and validation of the child is present whether the child "deserves" it or not. Fatherly love, by contrast, is rules-based and must be earned in order to be granted: Since [Father's] love is conditioned...