The Brothers Karamazov - 2: An Inappropriate Gathering
*Page cuts will be added, should any posts in this series involve major spoilers. Previously: Book I Oh, yes, I am still reading this book. It's a quick read; I simply haven't been reading very frequently. Case in point: book II is almost entirely the dialogue that takes place when the Karamazov family comes together at (of all places) the monastery. Dialogue is to Dostoyevsky what narrative is to Kafka. Characters talk on for paragraphs, and it starts out sensibly enough, only to end in a vastly different topic. That's the beauty of it, though: it sets the cogwheels of your mind turning so you're never quite bored. By the way, I am loving this translation (Pevear/Volokhonsky). Translation is such a wildly disputed topic, too much so, perhaps. I enjoyed the Alan Myers translation of The Idiot , and Constance Garnett's Notes from Underground was quite good. What really shines in Pevear/Volokhonsky is the emotional subtext. That is, the nar...