Melville's "Mosses" - from an Old Mast
The actual title of the book is Billy Budd and Other Stories , published by Penguin Classics. However, there is such a similarity in the writing, I was reminded of the title of a Hawthorne collection, Mosses from an Old Manse . Since Hawthorne was the dedicatee of Moby-Dick and also referenced by name in one of these stories, I'm sure Herman Melville would take the comparison as a compliment! Overall, I give the book 4 stars , but it's a mixed bag, so I'll review each story on its own: Bartleby, the Scrivener I really loved this story. It's probably the closest thing to Kafkaesque, pre -Kafka, that I've read. Bartleby is an enigmatic scrivener (copier - think Nemo from Bleak House ), and it's hard to say if he's the hero or the antagonist, but he is certainly the mystery. I'm still not sure what to make of it, but it's one of those stories that is very good at painting atmosphere and the impression of things. The Piazza Another kind of mys...