Go Set a Watchman
" US cover of Go Set a Watchman " by Source ( WP:NFCC#4 ). Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia . I finished Go Set a Watchman the other night. Essentially I sat up in bed and started crying. At times (some might say all the time), I can be a rather sensitive creature, so an emotional reaction is not unusual for me, but the book actually made me upset, which is fairly unusual. If you like gritty fiction, you might appreciate this sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird . You might find Scout's visit home to be an interesting study of her childhood, a revisit to the familiar setting of Maycomb from about twenty years later. Certainly, there is something probably everyone can relate to in her struggle to recognize the family she remembers in the family she has now - and that includes Atticus. For Scout, however, this conflict encompasses not simply personal differences, the common result of growing up, but it challenges the very thing that has given her courage a...