12 Rules for Life - Follow-up
Well...I promise I'm not trying to milk this for all it's worth. But I realized that after "finishing" the review of 12 Rules for Life , I'd failed to answer my starting questions from Part 1 : What is about [Jordan Peterson] or his message that generates commonality between such disparate groups? What kind of person, with such a prestigious CV, is so willing to go out on a limb [against political correctness]? Is he really courageous, or is there some other reason? I think the answer to #1 is pretty simple. Peterson's appeal lies in his embrace of core values, like honesty, hard work, integrity, and self-respect. Any belief systems that value the individual and accountability are going to gravitate towards his message, which puts a big emphasis on you, the individual, taking action - making your life better and making the world better. So that is what seems to make his following so diverse. To the second question - my takeaway from reading 12 Rul...