Captain Sharkey / Within the Tides
Pirate stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ? Great idea! So thought I, when I decided to read The Dealings of Captain Sharkey and Other Tales of Pirates . The first part of this book is called Tales of Pirates. I guess I wasn't counting on serious tales of pirates. Captain Sharkey only features in four stories, but while his gory deeds are mostly referred to and not shown, I got sick of his character and was glad to be done with him. On the other hand, I liked "A Pirate of the Land", a non-Sharkey story. The second part is called Tales of Blue Water. I had read four of the stories already in a different collection, but they're all good ones. "The Striped Chest" and "The Captain of the Polestar " are especially excellent, even on second reading. My new favorite was "The Fiend of the Cooperage"--great atmosphere, great story. Overall, I give this one a 5 out of 5 stars . Within the Tides may just be Conrad at his most depressing. ...