2013 Reads
For sure, I will be reading James Fenimore Cooper's The Prairie, required for my upcoming Early American Art/Music/Lit course. I love Hawthorne and Melville, and I've heard good things about Cooper. His style intimidates me, but so did that of those other two authors . . . there seems to be a trend of 19th c. American lit being hard to read (though well worth it!). If I like Prairie, I might read the whole Leatherstocking series.
From my reading list, I would like to read at least one biography (most likely Eva Perón or Bonhoeffer), one political science book, and one philosophy book. The sheer length of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations and Karl Marx's Das Kapital, vol. 1 gave me a hilarious idea - what if I were to read them side-by-side? A nice thought, if unlikely to be fulfilled . . . certainly, it would have to be scheduled.
Basically, if I read anything currently on my reading list, that will be an accomplishment. Especially taking into consideration school and other plans/responsibilities. I'm excited to read others' book reviews and posts for this year!