Eugene Onegin Read-Along: Schedule

**1/7/13 - Edit:  Depending on how quickly we read, I may adjust the schedule to two chapters per week, instead of 1 1/2 weeks.  For example, if we have about 9 links by the 13th, I might decide to post the next link-up on the 14th.  We'll see how it goes!

I was so excited to see readers, both here and at my other blog, interested in a read-along!  The previous post was slightly inaccurate: there are actually eight chapters, and chapter ten is a fragmentary extra.  I have decided to allow 1 1/2 weeks per two chapters, which seems like a decent balance between going at a regular clip and dragging on too long.

Here is the schedule, plus a rough calendar to give the numbers more meaning:
Ch. 1 & 2 - January 7 to 16
Ch. 3 & 4 - January 16 to 25
Ch. 5 & 6 - January 25 to February 3
Ch. 7 & 8 - February 3 to February 12

The schedule is meant to be very flexible.  The link-up posts will be posted exactly on schedule, but they will remain open for at least a week.  I'm looking forward to the discussion!


Anonymous said…
I am so joining in on this one! Thanks for hosting the read-along!
Amy said…
I'm in, too:
cleopatra said…
I have to admit that I'm enjoying this relaxed pace. It's nice to be able to fit in other books without stressing to get sections read in a short period of time. Wise scheduling, Marian! :-)
Marian said…
That's good to hear. :) I honestly wasn't sure at first, but so far it seems to be working out!

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