Eugene Onegin Read-Along ~ Chapters 7 & 8
Here we are at the final part of the read-along! It feels like it's gone so fast! Truth be told, I still have to read chapters 5 & 6, so if you're not up to chapter 7 yet, rest assured you're not alone.
The last week has been hectic for me, and I know the next week will also be. I had some laptop issues and lost quite a few files, hence my unpreparedness for this concluding part. Nevertheless, keep submitting your links - for any of the chapters - and I will certainly be reading them soon and writing a second post.
Lastly, thanks to you all for your participation!! It's been fascinating to read your different insights, and really given us all new ways to perceive the characters, their motives, and the story. Honestly, I could go on for hours dissecting the character of Onegin alone. Perhaps some future year we could have this read-along again. :)
And perhaps there is, I hear there are more excellent Pushkin poems to discover.
Had he just hit a period, when he could no longer deny the need to want to settle and be guaranteed of love.
Tatyana's transformation is more believable and perhaps even traditional, to accept her fate, having let the burning fires of passion cool and she does so ever so calmly. Well, at least she still and will always have her books!
Here is my post for Chapter 7 & 8 of Eugene Onegin
I am participating in a literary giveaway at the moment, so do join in if you are interested, I'm offering the English translation of the French title Brodeck's Report by Philippe Claudel to send anywhere in the world.
Thanks Marian for hosting this read-along, it's been wonderful and I am a little sad that it has ended. I shall continue with the Russian Literature Challenge though and hope to see you all there. :)
Thanks for introducing me to the world of Russian literature! This is my first. I read a lot of literature from American and British authors, so this was a new experience. I hope you'll do another read-along someday!
My Update 4 posting and my final thoughts/review posting.