“It's no use going back to yesterday...”

Just dropping by for a quick update! 

It's getting to be a difficult time of year, in an equally challenging year.  I hope to graduate in August, which means from now until then school remains fairly time-consuming. "Real life" issues have also been causing me a bit of stress.

However, because of all this stuff building up, I think I will be reading more often, and blogging, too.  In fact, I feel a little desperate for some good reads to get me through the next several weeks.  (Also, summer == books.)

Have you heard of Tolkien's Beowulf, which was just published last week?!  I am excited to get my hands on a copy.  Maybe it will spark my enthusiasm for the story (admittedly lukewarm).

Right now, I have The Brothers Karamazov looming overhead, but I've actually been reading A Study in Scarlet for my Sherlock Holmes challenge.  Of course, it should be a one-day read, but I am so slow a reader these days.

One more thing - I really enjoy following you all on the blogs and Goodreads!  It's fun to see what you're reading, and it gives me some motivation to get back into it.


Ruth said…
Tolkien's Beowulf? No way! I'll have to check that out.

cleopatra said…
I'd love to compare it to Seamus Heaney's Beowulf, which is my favourite. I do wonder, though, why Tolkien's son is unearthing all these unknown manuscripts all of a sudden. I have The Fall of Arthur on my to-read list for my Arthurian challenge.

I hope life eases up for you a little, Marian. I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to choose to read next. I read Dostoyevsky's The Idiot recently and realized that he's an author I have to get accustomed to. I did enjoy it though.
o said…
Going to have to check out that Tolkien - wow! :)

Brothers K - awesome read!

Hope life gets a little less stressful for you, Marian.

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