Dreams & Goals for 2017
Every year is another chance to look back, figure out what went well and what didn't, and think of ways to make the next year even better. I call my list "dreams and goals," instead of "resolutions." What I've discovered, especially this past year, is that you don't know what unexpected opportunities may pop up or how you will change as a person. It's good to dream and plan, and it's also healthy to let yourself be flexible and spontaneous. A few dreams / goals I met in 2016: Read 25 books. Some of them were short, and one or two of them were quite long ( I'm looking at you, Mack ). It felt great to make a dent in that TBR list! Take photos. I started learning about photography in earnest. Will continue this one in 2017. Love my neighbors. That is, I tried to love the people with whom I interacted in "real life" and online. As we all have experienced, it's been a contentious year. More than ever I realized the strug...