Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon: TBR stack

This will be my first year participating in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon!  It's been on my radar for a while, but I'm usually too busy (or think I'm too busy).  This year, the timing is right, as I've already got a ton of "currently reading" books on the shelf. 

I'll be posting updates on my Instagram and perhaps some reviews to follow afterwards.  Let me know if you're also participating!

And now, the lineup:
We (e-book) / Yevgeny Zamyatin
Right Ho, Jeeves (e-book) / P. G. Wodehouse
Sherlock Holmes Challenge catch-up / A. C. Doyle
Out of the Silent Planet / C. S. Lewis 
Spiritual Writings / Soren Kierkegaard
The Paper Door and Other Stories / Naoya Shiga

Stretch goals:
Journey Through the Impossible / Jules Verne
The Screwtape Letters / C. S. Lewis
Lord of the Flies (re-read) / William Golding

Not aiming too high, but I hope to finish some of these. 


cleopatra said…
I'd love to join in but it's right before tax time for Canadians and I need to file before the end of the month. I really want to read We. I've seen it popping up everywhere lately. Out of the Silent Planet is my favourite of the series but apparently I'm not vey scholarly because it's supposed to be the weakest of the three.

Have a great read-a-thon!
Happy 1st Readathon! It's always a good time. :)
MH said…
Thanks, Cleo! So far it's going well. I finished Out of the Silent Planet around noon - it definitely left me wanting to read Perelandra. :) Now after a break I'm ready to start up again...
MH said…
Thank you! I think this will be a new tradition for me. ^_^

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