Top Ten Unique Book Titles
This week's Top Ten Tuesday is all about titles of books that are more unique than trendy. I may not have mentioned before that I love, love, love a good book title, so this topic particularly appeals to me. ;) Without further ado, here are some unique ones from classic literature: 1. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale , by Herman Melville It doesn't get more signature than this. Melville chose interesting names for all the characters, not least of all the whale. 2. Perelandra , by C. S. Lewis The surest way to have a unique title is to use a word from your own fictional language! 3. Magellania , by Jules Verne Alternatively, taking a nonfictional place and making it more "literary" also works. 4. The Lighthouse at the End of the World , by Jules Verne Probably my favorite book title of all time. He used "lighthouse" in a title before it was trendy. Rather than overrun this list with Jules Verne, I will just add that most of his titles were unique in his day. (He...