Autumn Plans

It feels as if my reading has been slipping by the wayside, but that's not really been the case.  Most of the books I've read this summer just haven't blown me away, so it's been a bit of a disappointment.

Reading status update on a few of the better ones:
  • Tesla biography - I do like this book, a beautiful balance of academic and popular science.  It's very Educational, so it's taking me a while to get through it.
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Reading this for the 3rd or 4th time.  It is my favorite thing to read when I really want an escape.  
  • Nostromo - Still chugging along, now in part 2.  New characters, new goings on.  I'm surprised actually at there being new characters; not sure where Conrad is taking it.
  • Moby-Dick - Still participating in the read-along, but very much behind schedule.
  • Brave New World - Started strong, then realized I needed a break from dystopian.  Will continue shortly.
  • Psalms - Finished them!  Now re-reading Proverbs.
There's been a lot going on in my life lately (which unfortunately I can't elaborate on yet), but I expect things to settle down quite a bit in October. 

I have all kinds of plans for when that happens.  Finishing these books is naturally a priority.  Updating the blog is also on the list (I never did get it set up the way I'd like).  The podcasts and the vlogs ARE coming back... that is, I have every intention of starting them up again, this time not to stop.  It might not actually happen till January, but it's on the radar for sure.  :)

I'm also planning to launch a second blog, where I review songs and share poetry and other snippets of writing.  I've shared some song reviews here before, but it doesn't seem like the right place for it.  I found a lot of great music this year and have started writing poetry again, so having a separate blog for that kind of thing just makes sense.

Writing...I will be doing more writing in general.  I must edit my book - which some of you kindly read as alpha-readers :) - incorporating your feedback and my own second impressions into the next draft.  I also started another story which I'd like to publish as a web serial, putting out installments a few times a week if I get ambitious enough.  It would be more or less unedited, just an experiment to see if I could write a story that way. I actually did something like that before, in high school, just didn't share it with anyone (which was just as well). 

Nanowrimo is coming up in November, too, which I will participate in, so as not to break my "participation streak."   :) 

So yes... fall is here and I have too many plans as usual!  But I am excited for life to slow down and the chance to get back into doing all the things I enjoy. 


mudpuddle said…
sounds good... and appealing... hard to believe fall is here; still seems like May for some unaccountable reason...
Oh, boy...did I know you were reading Brave New World? Such a strange dystopian. No wonder you need a break. However, I do believe it is an interesting look into human behavior, or the projection of human behavior.
Marian H said…
The summer went by far too fast!
Marian H said…
Yeah, at first (being "fresh" from 1984) I found the dark humor somewhat funny, then it hit me like a ton of bricks for what it was. I'm a little scared to go back.
Stephen said…
Ooh! A book! What about?

I miiight do Nano. I don't have any story ideas. Last year it was an adventure/fantasy drama based on a Heroes of Might and Magic scenario I made in high school!
Sharon Wilfong said…
I've been meaning to read a Tesla biography. I also have Huxley and Melville on my list. I am also trying to read 100 more books before the year is out. I made a crazy goal on Goodreads. Hopefully I won't be puffing the numbers with children's books and graphic novels.
Marian H said…
It's what I'm calling my "pseudo-Victorian" novel. :) It uses tropes from 19th-century literature, with a touch of steampunk and fantasy. I finally finished the draft this past April:

If I remember right, you won Nano last year?! I enjoy doing it even if I don't commit to win. Any bit of writing is worth it to me!
Marian H said…
100 more books?! I hope you can do it! :) Hey, even short stories count on Goodreads sometimes. I would probably pad it a bit myself, haha.

The Tesla biog I'm reading is the one by W. Bernard Carlson. It is not easy reading but it feel substantial and is well-documented from what I can see. He also uses original diagrams from the early 1900s, which warms my geeky heart.
Stephen said…
Yep! With a couple of weeks to spare, too. First time that's ever happened.

Yours sounds interesting, though I don't know that I've read enough Victorian lit to fully appreciate all the little connections you'd be making!
Carol said…
I so enjoyed reading some lighter stuff when we were travelling recently - I got quite a bit done over 50 hrs on planes & trains; mostly detective fiction & my first ever Western (Riders of the Purple Sage).
I usually like dystopian but not Brave New World.
Carol said…
My comment posted!!
Marian H said…
Glad the comments are working now! :)

50 hours, wow!! Detective fiction is a good genre for long trips.

I hope I can make it through Brave New World; it is some weird stuff. I'm planning to do some kind of comparison between them at the end...

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