2014 Books & Challenges
Getting next year's reading mapped out has been fun in itself - mainly because I've read so few books this year. It hasn't been a matter of less time or different priorities, just neglect. That really has to change. Approaching graduation, I want to keep the studying momentum that has been my frenemy for the past four years and transfer it to my own reading/studying in the future.
This is just the motivation I need to resume studying history! Being a slow reader, I'm going for the Student level (1-3 books). The first book is a must, the second a goal, and the other books are maybes:
For this, I would love to read For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway) and The Autumn of the Patriarch (English trans.; Gabriel García Márquez). These are both authors I've recently wanted to read, so it's a win-win situation!
I have probably said it a millionty-one times, but Sherlock Holmes is my favorite character of all time. I've actually never done a comprehensive re-reading, nor read the series in chronological order (a big deal to me)! It has to be done. I will be blogging about this challenge on Tumblr, and perhaps occasionally here - more info to come...
Tanglewood's first book event! I'm so excited to read one of my favorites with you guys. :)
- Lord Jim - by all accounts, Joseph Conrad's best long novel. High time to read it!
- The Magician's Nephew (Spanish trans.) - for a beginner's attempt at multilingual reading. I know most of this book practically by heart, so this shouldn't be too hard.
- Empty my "to-finish" list - include Bleak House. Decide whether to finish or not finish each book.
- Steampunk/Sci-Fi Reading List - any book(s)
- The Great Gatsby
- Complete Hornblower series - Hotspur and everything chronologically afterwards
- The Little White Horse
- Out of the Silent Planet (C. S. Lewis's Space Trilogy)
- Fairy tales collections - Andersen, Grimm, Russian fairytales, etc.
History Reading Challenge hosted by Fanda
This is just the motivation I need to resume studying history! Being a slow reader, I'm going for the Student level (1-3 books). The first book is a must, the second a goal, and the other books are maybes:
- Eyewitness to History (Carey) - a collection of primary sources from many eras of history.
- The Collapse of the Third Republic (Shirer) - how France fell to Germany in WWII.
- *A People's History of the United States (Zinn) - famous US history textbook
- *A Patriot's History of the United States (Schweikart and Allen) - alternative perspective to Zinn's history.
Everything España Reading Challenge hosted by Lianne
For this, I would love to read For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway) and The Autumn of the Patriarch (English trans.; Gabriel García Márquez). These are both authors I've recently wanted to read, so it's a win-win situation!
Personal challenge: The Complete Sherlock Holmes Series, in chronological order.
I have probably said it a millionty-one times, but Sherlock Holmes is my favorite character of all time. I've actually never done a comprehensive re-reading, nor read the series in chronological order (a big deal to me)! It has to be done. I will be blogging about this challenge on Tumblr, and perhaps occasionally here - more info to come...
Eugene Onegin Read-Along
Tanglewood's first book event! I'm so excited to read one of my favorites with you guys. :)
Eyewitness to History looks interesting so I will have to check it out. And I'm impressed that you are attempting a book in Spanish. I've been trying to get myself ready to read a book in French but, so far, I have not been successful.
In spite of trying to cut down on books for the coming year, I think I will join your Eugene Onegin read-along. I actually just finished the book so hopefully everything will stay fresh in my mind for a month. Thanks so much for setting up the read along. I can't wait to discuss it! :-)
My list for Fanda's history challenge is not as aspiring as yours is. I often see references to Zinn's History of the US, but have yet to look into it. I do have a copy of A Patriot's History of the US and have used it as a history resource. It's definitely not your typical college text. Enjoy!
My list for Fanda's challenge is not so grand nor so historically important. I think I'm going to peruse Shakespeare's and Marlowe's biography and try to make decent reviews about them.
Have fun on your reading this year.