The Cruise of the Snark - Jack London and his trip across the Pacific

StateLibQld 1 165259 Snark (ship)
The Snark, named after Lewis Carroll's poem "The Hunting of the Snark"

Jack London's squall-infused, sickness-filled, Snark-y voyage is a sailing classic and product of its time, for better and worse. Compare his tongue-in-cheek narrative with his very real sufferings, his sympathetic view of Molokai versus his feelings of white superiority, or his socialist convictions with his celebrity lifestyle, and you'll find a fully flawed, yet vivid memoir with plenty of takeaways. I would have liked to hear more about his small crew, which is why Penguin was smart to include some excerpts from Martin and Charmian in the back. Overall, an educational adventure into the South Pacific of the early twentieth century.

Jack and Charmian London in Hawaii (PP-75-4-018)
Jack London and Charmian in Hawaii

Jack London the building of The Snark 1906
Jack London at the building of the Snark


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