Wednesday Quote: Work
A few years back, I used to participate in a weekly feature called "Weekend Quote," hosted by Lemon Tree at Half-Filled Attic. I so enjoyed that feature that I wanted to bring it back this year, except on Wednesdays instead of the weekend. There are so many great quotes to come across while reading, and not nearly enough opportunity to share them.
Today is my first day back at work since Christmas break, so I'll be keeping this in mind. ;)
"I don’t like work—no man does—but I like what is in the work—the chance to find yourself."This is spoken by Marlow, the narrator from a few of Conrad's stories, and the context novella is his most famous one, Heart of Darkness. As an inspirational quote, it's one of my very favorites - instead of holding up an idealism, it presents you with a different view of reality.
Today is my first day back at work since Christmas break, so I'll be keeping this in mind. ;)