Friday Thoughts: Things I Do When I'm Not Reading
(What I really need to do: go outside.) |
For better or worse, I'm one of those people that doesn't procrastinate much on things I have to do - work, chores, running errands - but when the end of the day comes around, very often I don't feel like doing what I really want to do (deep down): that is, improve my mind with reading. My brain says it's too tired to be improved and deserves a break. I don't really buy it, but I usually end up doing something else anyway, such as:
- Play solitaire. Currently obsessed with Scorpion.
- Watch YouTube videos (sometimes while playing Scorpion.)
- Watch a TV show with the family.
- Find more books to read, on Goodreads (ha ha).
- "Window shop" online. (And occasional real shopping.)
- Work from home. Those pesky emails...
- Take a nap.
Right now I'm trying to find a good balance between "assigning" time to read and keeping reading fun. Part of that is just including fun books to read in between more weighty fare. Last night I started Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night and could hardly put it down, so maybe that will pull me away from the screen for a while.
I don’t watch much TV but recently my husband and I have been enjoying Family Matters on Friday nights. TGIF, hehe. Anyhow, hope you’re having a beautiful weekend!
I have been enjoying seeing your food blog growing! I don't cook much myself, but some of those recipes I need to ask my mom to try (we love vegetarian!).