Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon: TBR stack, April 2018
It's that happy time of year again, the biannual Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon! I am somewhat of a casual participant, in that I don't get up at 5am and I do let myself take long breaks. Even so, it's still great fun!
As ever, I'll be posting updates to Instagram and Goodreads.
The lineup:
Stretch goals:
As ever, I'll be posting updates to Instagram and Goodreads.
The lineup:
Finish The Kill / Emile Zola
Finish The Castle / Franz Kafka - library ebook & can't renew!
CEO, China / Kerry Brown
Ben-Hur / Lew Wallace
The Undead / Dick Teresi
Stretch goals:
Something off my "short books" list
Little Women / Louisa May Alcott - reread
The Sickness Unto Death / Soren Kierkegaard
Philosophy 101 / Paul Kleinman
Various books for work
In other news, I am gearing up for Season 2 of Classics Considered. April has been far, far too busy and short... I'd meant to release at least one episode this month but could not make it happen. Anyways, from this list you can see a sneak peek of things to come. I am finally going to be talking about Kafka and am way too excited about that...