Finishing My Book

Several months back, I mentioned I've been writing a pseudo-Victorian novel for 3 years. I talked about the literary inspirations and characters - not to compare my writing with such greats (hardly that!), but to give you a gist of what the story's like. April is Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and my plan is to make a final push to finish the rough draft. (I know, I said that in November, but work life had other plans. ) Would any of you be interested in reading the rough draft? By "rough," I mean lightly edited and fully readable. However, because I wrote it for NaNoWriMo (word-count marathon), some parts are overly wordy and others parts are admittedly corny. :P It'd be quite motivating for me to complete the ending if there were readers waiting for it. More importantly, I'd be grateful for your comments, especially honest, constructive criticism. At this point, I've spent so much time with this project, it's los...